class GeometryXD
package geometryxd
GeometryXD - multidimensional geometry manipulations. Primarily targeted for 3D objects (points, vectors, curves).
Additional methods allow manipulate with arrays.
Convert arrays. Int <-> Float <-> String <-> Int Arrays.
Sum arrays. Parallel sum of arrays elements.
Diff arrays. Parallel diff of arrays elements from first array elements.
Multiplying arrays. Parallel multiplication of arrays elements.
Sum array elements.
Calculate max abs value from Float Array.
Not pro level library.
Static methods
staticinlinepositive_inside_I (a:Array<Int>):Bool
return true if incoming Int Array have at least one positive element
a |
staticinlinezero_inside_I (a:Array<Int>):Bool
return true if incoming Int Array have at least one zero element
a |
staticinlinenegative_inside_I (a:Array<Int>):Bool
return true if incoming Int Array have at least one negative element
a |
staticinlinepositive_inside_F (a:Array<Float>):Bool
return true if incoming Float Array have at least one positive element
a |
staticinlinezero_inside_F (a:Array<Float>):Bool
return true if incoming Float Array have at least one zero element
a |
staticinlinenegative_inside_F (a:Array<Float>):Bool
return true if incoming Float Array have at least one negative element
a |
staticinlinesame_size_I (a:Array<Array<Int>>):Null<Bool>
return true if Int Arrays have same size
a |
staticinlinesame_size_F (a:Array<Array<Float>>):Null<Bool>
return true if Float Arrays have same size
a |
staticsame_xI (a:Array<Array<Int>>):Null<Bool>
compare Int Arrays. Returns true if all arrays have equal data
a |
staticsame_xF (a:Array<Array<Float>>):Null<Bool>
compare Float Arrays. Returns true if all arrays have equal data
a |
staticinlinesum_I (a:Array<Int>):Null<Int>
returns sum of Int Array elements. [1,2,3] -> 6. tested
a |
staticinlinesum_F (a:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
returns sum of Float Array elements. [1.1,2,3] -> 6.1. tested
a |
staticdiff_I (a:Array<Int>):Null<Int>
returns diff between first and others Int Array elements. [1,2,3] -> -4. tested
a |
staticdiff_F (a:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
returns diff between first and others Float Array elements. [1.1,2,3] -> -3.9. tested
a |
staticmiddle_F (a:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
returns middle value of Float Array
a |
staticinlinemultiply_I_I (a:Array<Int>, n:Int):Array<Int>
multiplies each element of an Int Array by Int
a |
n |
staticinlinemultiply_F_F (a:Array<Float>, n:Float):Array<Float>
multiplies each element of an Float Array by Float
a |
n |
staticinlinemultiply_I (a:Array<Int>):Null<Int>
multiplies all elements of an Int Array. [1, 2, 3] return 1 * 2 * 3
a |
staticinlinemultiply_F (a:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
multiplies all elements of an Float Array. [1.1, 2.0, 3.0] return 1.1 * 2.0 * 3.0
a |
staticinlineminus_I (a:Array<Int>):Array<Int>
multiplies each element of the Int Array by -1
a |
staticinlineminus_F (a:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
multiplies each element of the Float Array by -1
a |
staticsum_xI (a:Array<Array<Int>>):Array<Int>
return Int Array which is Int Arrays sum. [[1, 2, 3], [-3, -2, -1]] return [-2, 0, 2]
a |
staticsum_xF (a:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return Float Array which is Float Arrays sum. [[1.1, 2, 3], [-3, -2, -1]] return [-1.9, 0, 2]
a |
staticdiff_xI (a:Array<Array<Int>>):Array<Int>
return Int Array which is result of diff between first Int Array and others. [[1, 2, 3], [-3, -2, -1]] return [4, 4, 4]
a |
staticdiff_xF (a:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return Float Array which is result of diff between first Float Array and others. [[1.1, 2, 3], [-3, -2, -1]] return [4.1, 4, 4]
a |
staticmiddle_xF (a:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return Float Array with middle values from arrays. [[1.1, 2, 3], [-3, -2, -1]] return [(1.1 - 3) / 2, (2 - 2) / 2, (3 - 1) / 2]
a |
staticmultiply_xI_I (a:Array<Array<Int>>, n:Int):Array<Array<Int>>
return Int arrays which is result of multiplying each element by Int
a |
n |
staticmultiply_xF_F (a:Array<Array<Float>>, n:Float):Array<Array<Float>>
return Float arrays which is result of multiplying each element by Float
a |
n |
staticmultiply_xI (a:Array<Array<Int>>):Array<Int>
return Int Array which is result of multiplying arrays. [[1, 2], [3, 4]] return [1 * 3, 2 * 4]
a |
staticmultiply_xF (a:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return Float Array which is result of multiplying arrays. [[3.1, 2], [3, 4]] return [3.1 * 3, 2 * 4]
a |
staticmultisum_xI (a:Array<Array<Int>>):Null<Int>
Int Arrays bonus function. Short form of sum_I(multiply_xI(a)). [[a, b], [c, d]] return a * c + b * d
a |
staticmultisum_xF (a:Array<Array<Float>>):Null<Float>
Float Arrays bonus function. Short form of sum_F(multiply_xF(a)). [[a, b], [c, d]] return a * c + b * d
a |
staticinlinesum_previous_I (a:Array<Int>):Array<Int>
return Int Array which is result of sum with previous element. [1, 2, 3] return [1, 3, 5]
a |
staticinlinediff_previous_I (a:Array<Int>):Array<Int>
return Int Array which is result of diff with previous element. [1, 2, 3] return [1, 1, 1]
a |
staticinlinesum_before_I (a:Array<Int>):Array<Int>
return Int Array which is result of sum each element with before elements sum. [1, 2, 3] return [1, 3, 6]
a |
staticinlinediff_before_I (a:Array<Int>):Array<Int>
return Int Array which is result of diff each element with before elements diff. [1, 2, 3] return [1, 1, 2]
a |
staticinlinesum_previous_F (a:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return Float Array which is result of sum with previous element. [1.1, 2, 3] return [1.1, 3.1, 5]
a |
staticinlinediff_previous_F (a:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return Float Array which is result of diff with previous element. [1.1, 2, 3] return [1.1, 0.9, 1]
a |
staticinlinesum_before_F (a:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return Float Array which is result of sum each element with before elements sum. [1.1, 2, 3] return [1.1, 3.1, 6.1]
a |
staticinlinediff_before_F (a:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return Float Array which is result of diff each element with before elements diff. [1.1, 2, 3] return [1.1, 0.9, 2.1]
a |
staticinlinerecounter_I_F (what:Array<Int>):Array<Float>
recount Int Array to Float Array
what |
staticinlinerecounter_F_I (what:Array<Float>):Array<Int>
recount Float Array to Int Array
what |
staticinlinerecounter_I_S (what:Array<Int>):Array<String>
recount Int Array to String Array
what |
staticinlinerecounter_F_S (what:Array<Float>):Array<String>
recount Float Array to String Array
what |
staticinlinerecounter_S_I (what:Array<String>):Array<Int>
recount String Array to Int Array
what |
staticinlinerecounter_S_F (what:Array<String>):Array<Float>
recount String Array to Float Array
what |
staticinlinerepeater_F_F (n:Int, what:Array<Float>, full:Bool = false):Array<Float>
repeat Float Array to specified length
n |
what |
full |
staticinlinerepeater_I_I (n:Int, what:Array<Int>, full:Bool = false):Array<Int>
repeat Int Array to specified length
n |
what |
full |
staticinlinerepeater_S_S (n:Int, what:Array<String>, full:Bool = false):Array<String>
repeat String Array to specified length
n |
what |
full |
staticrepeater_F_I (n:Int, what_:Array<Float>, full:Bool = false):Array<Int>
repeat Float Array to specified length Int Array
n |
what |
full |
staticrepeater_S_I (n:Int, what_:Array<String>, full:Bool = false):Array<Int>
repeat String Array to specified length Int Array
n |
what |
full |
staticrepeater_I_F (n:Int, what_:Array<Int>, full:Bool = false):Array<Float>
repeat Int Array to specified length Float Array
n |
what |
full |
staticrepeater_S_F (n:Int, what_:Array<String>, full:Bool = false):Array<Float>
repeat String Array to specified length Float Array
n |
what |
full |
staticrepeater_I_S (n:Int, what_:Array<Int>, full:Bool = false):Array<String>
repeat Int Array to specified length String Array
n |
what |
full |
staticrepeater_F_S (n:Int, what_:Array<Float>, full:Bool = false):Array<String>
repeat Float Array to specified length String Array
n |
what |
full |
staticinlinean_in_b_S (a:Array<String>, b:Array<String>):Array<Array<Int>>
return array of arrays with pair indexes which is indexes equivalent elements of a and b arrays. a=["1", "2"] b=["1", "2", "1"] return [[0, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1]]
a |
b |
staticinlinean_in_bn_S (a:Array<String>, b:Array<Array<String>>):Array<Array<Int>>
return array of arrays with pair indexes which is indexes equivalent elements of a and b arrays. a=["1", "2"] b=[["1", "2", "1"],["0", "2"]] return [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]. where indexes [1, 0, 1] = [1(a), 0(b), 1(b[0])]
a |
b |
staticinlinean_in_b_I (a:Array<Int>, b:Array<Int>):Array<Array<Int>>
return array of arrays with pair indexes which is indexes equivalent elements of a and b arrays. a=[1, 2] b=[1, 2, 1] return [[0, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1]]
a |
b |
staticinlinean_in_bn_I (a:Array<Int>, b:Array<Array<Int>>):Array<Array<Int>>
return array of arrays with pair indexes which is indexes equivalent elements of a and b arrays. a=[1, 2] b=[[1, 2, 1],[0, 2]] return [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]. where indexes [1, 0, 1] = [1(a), 0(b), 1(b[0])]
a |
b |
staticinlinean_in_b_F (a:Array<Float>, b:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Int>>
return array of arrays with pair indexes which is indexes equivalent elements of a and b arrays. a=[1.0, 2.0] b=[1.0, 2.0, 1.0] return [[0, 0], [0, 2], [1, 1]]
a |
b |
staticinlinean_in_bn_F (a:Array<Float>, b:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Array<Int>>
return array of arrays with pair indexes which is indexes equivalent elements of a and b arrays. a=[1.0, 2.0] b=[[1.0, 2.0, 1.0],[0, 2.0]] return [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]. where indexes [1, 0, 1] = [1(a), 0(b), 1(b[0])]
a |
b |
staticchain_indexes (a_l:Int, n:Int, ring:Bool):Array<Array<Int>>
chain bonus function. split range to sequences specified length n with same border values. f(6, 3, false) return [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4]]. But f(6, 3, true) return [[0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 4], [4, 5, 0]]. Can be used to split dotsXDfield (array of 3D dots) to array of separated 4dots curves trajectories which have same border dots. Just split array of dots length a_l to n = 4. Then recount to beziercurves or create multidot curve use each last three dots.
a_l |
n |
ring |
staticinlinechain_S (a:Array<String>, n:Int, ring:Bool = false):Array<Array<String>>
create chain from String Array. Sequences with same border values
a |
n |
ring |
staticinlinechain_I (a:Array<Int>, n:Int, ring:Bool = false):Array<Array<Int>>
create chain from Int Array. Sequences with same border values
a |
n |
ring |
staticinlinechain_F (a:Array<Float>, n:Int, ring:Bool = false):Array<Array<Float>>
create chain from Float Array. Sequences with same border values
a |
n |
ring |
staticinlinesteps_internal (xmin:Float, xmax:Float, n:Int, borders:Bool = false):Array<Float>
split interval to equal steps
xmin |
xmax |
n |
borders |
staticsteps_external (smin:Float, smax:Float, n:Int, direction:Int):Array<Float>
repeat step multiple times. f(1, 5, 3, -1) return [-11, -7, -3, 1, 5] f(1, 5, 3, 0) return [-11, -7, -3, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17] f(1, 5, 3, 1) return [1, 5, 9, 13, 17]
smin |
smax |
n |
direction |
staticinlinesign_I (x:Int):Int
return sign of Int. if x < 0 return -1, else return 1.
x |
staticinlinesign_F (x:Float):Int
return sign of Float. if x < 0 return -1, else return 1.
x |
staticinlinesign3_I (x:Int):Int
return sign of Int or 0. if x < 0 return -1, if x > 0 return 1, if x == 0 return 0.
x |
staticinlinesign3_F (x:Float):Int
return sign of Float or 0. if x < 0 return -1, if x > 0 return 1, if x == 0 return 0.
x |
staticinlinesin_cos_cut (x:Float):Float
sin cos bonus function. Normalise sin cos, counted use vectors to -1...1 include boders. Need because sometimes (detected on python3 in the past) result of calculating sin cos uses vectors can be more then 1, or less then -1. For example 1.00000000001 etc. Just tiny correction, just for case.
x |
staticinlinedegrees (angle:Float):Float
convert radians angle to degrees angle value
angle |
staticinlineradians (angle:Float):Float
convert degrees angle to radians angle value
angle |
staticangle_quadrant (angle:Float, rad:Bool = false):Int
return the quadrant of any angle. 0 angle return 4 quadrant. For example use degrees: ... 0 < angle <= 90 return 1 quadrant ... 90 < angle <= 180 return 2 quadrant ... 180 < angle <= 270 return 3 quadrant ... 270 < angle <= 360 return 4 quadrant
angle |
rad |
staticvecXDnorm (vecXD:Array<Float>):Float
return vector length (other names "norm" or "magnitude"). For [2,3] return Math.sqrt((2 * 2) + (3 * 3))
vecXD |
staticinlinevecXDfieldnorm (vecXDfield:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return array of lengths of vectors
vecXDfield |
staticmaxabs (a:Array<Float>):Float
return Float Array element with maximum absolute value with sign. Each element compared as abs(element). [1, 2, -4] return -4.
a |
staticvecXD (dotXDa:Array<Float>, dotXDb:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return vector builded uses two dots
dotXDa |
dotXDb |
staticvecXDone (vecXD:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
recount vector to length equal 1
vecXD |
staticvecXDfield (dots:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Array<Float>>
return vector field from first dot to each other
dots |
staticinlinevecXDsame (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Null<Bool>
compare vectors. Returns true if vectors have equal data
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticinlinevecXDfieldsame (vecXDfield:Array<Array<Float>>):Null<Bool>
compare vectors from vector field. Returns true if all vectors have same data
vecXDfield |
staticvecXDrandom (x:Int = 3):Array<Float>
return random vector with length equal 1
x |
staticvecXDsum (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return vector, which is sum of two vectors
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDfieldsum (vecXDfield:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return vector, which is sum of vector field
vecXDfield |
staticvecXDdiff (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return vector, which is diff of vectors. vecXDa - vecXDb
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDfielddiff (vecXDfield:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return vector, which is diff of vector field. v0-v1...-vn
vecXDfield |
staticvecXDback (vecXD:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return opposite vector. [1, 2, -4] return [-1, -2, 4]
vecXD |
staticvecXDfieldback (vecXDfield:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Array<Float>>
return opposite vector field. [[1, 2], [3, -4]] return [[-1, -2], [-3, 4]]
vecXDfield |
staticvecXDparalleled_sameside (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Null<Bool>
return true if vectors paralleled and have same direction
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDparalleled_opposite (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Null<Bool>
return true if vectors paralleled and have opposite direction
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDparalleled (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Bool
return true if vectors paralleled
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDscalar (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
return scalar product of vectors
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDcos (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
return cos between vectors
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDangle (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>, rad:Bool = false):Null<Float>
return angle between vectors
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
rad |
staticvec3Dnormal (vec3Da:Array<Float>, vec3Db:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return vector 3D, which is result of cross product of vectors (normal vector of plane based on two vectors). Result vector placed so if you will see from end of result vector, then the rotating direction will be CCW from vec3Da to vec3Db
vec3Da |
vec3Db |
staticvec3Dfieldnormal (vec3Dfield:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return vector 3D, which is result of step by step cross product for each next vector 3D from vector field with previous cross product result vector 3D
vec3Dfield |
staticvecXDmiddle (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return vector with middle value. Just call middle_xF([vecXDa, vecXDb])
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDfieldmiddle (vecXDfield:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
return vector with middle value. Just call middle_xF(vecXDfield)
vecXDfield |
staticvecXDsamesize (vecXDa:Array<Float>, vecXDb:Array<Float>):Null<Bool>
return true if vectors have same size. Bonus function. Just call same_size_F([vecXDa, vecXDb])
vecXDa |
vecXDb |
staticvecXDfieldsamesize (vecXDfield:Array<Array<Float>>):Null<Bool>
return true if vector from vector field have same size. Bonus function. Just call same_size_F(vecXDfield)
vecXDfield |
staticdotXDoffset (dotXD:Array<Float>, vecXD:Array<Float>, t:Float):Array<Float>
return dot, which result of offset dotXD along vecXD to t
dotXD |
vecXD |
t |
staticdot3Dline3D_x_plane3D (dot3D0:Array<Float>, vec3D0:Array<Float>, vec3Dplane:Array<Float>, dplane:Float = 0):Array<Float>
return dot 3D, which is intersection dot for line3D(dot3D0, vec3D0) and plane3D(vec3Dplane, dplane)
dot3D0 |
vec3D0 |
vec3Dplane |
dplane |
staticprojection_dot3D_on_plane3D (dot3D:Array<Float>, plane3D:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return dot 3D, which is projection of dot3D to plane3D
dot3D |
plane3D |
staticdot3D_to_dot2Dviewplane (dot3D:Array<Float>, dot3Dviewplanecenter:Array<Float>, vec3Dviewplane:Array<Float>, vec3Dviewplane_ox:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
return dot 2D (x, y) from dot3D projected on view plane, View plane determined by coordinate axes center plane 3D dot, and plane 3D normal vector. View plane vector 3D of axis ox, will be projected to view plane. Incoming value can not be strictly belongs to the view plane.
dot3D |
dot3Dviewplanecenter |
vec3Dviewplane |
vec3Dviewplane_ox |
staticdotXDscale (dotXD:Array<Float>, scaleXD:Array<Float>, dotXDc:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
returns dot with scaled values relative to the scaling center
dotXD |
scaleXD |
dotXDc |
staticvec3Drotate (vec3D:Array<Float>, vec3Daxis:Array<Float>, angle:Float, rad:Bool = false):Array<Float>
returns vector 3D, rotated around axis vector to angle
vec3D |
vec3Daxis |
angle |
rad |
staticvec3Dfield_rotate_around_vec3Daxes (vec3Dfield:Array<Array<Float>>, vec3Daxes:Array<Array<Float>>, angles:Array<Float>, rad:Bool = false):Array<Array<Float>>
returns vector 3D field, each vector of which rotated to own angle, around own axis
vec3Dfield |
vec3Daxes |
angles |
rad |
staticdot3Drotate (dot3D:Array<Float>, dot3Dc:Array<Float>, vec3D:Array<Float>, angle:Float, rad:Bool = false):Array<Float>
returns dot 3D, rotated to angle, around center of rotation determined by dot and axis of rotation
dot3D |
dot3Dc |
vec3D |
angle |
rad |
staticplane3D_dot3Dnormal (dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3D:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
returns plane 3D (a, b, c, d) determined by dot 3D and vector 3D. Where (a, b, c) is plane 3D normal vector, and (d) is displacement plane from (0, 0, 0)
dot3D |
vec3D |
staticplane3D_dot_vec_vec (dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3Da:Array<Float>, vec3Db:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
returns plane 3D (a, b, c, d), determined by dot and two not paralleled vectors. Where (a, b, c) is plane 3D normal vector, and (d) is displacement plane from (0, 0, 0)
dot3D |
vec3Da |
vec3Db |
staticplane3D_3dots (dot3D:Array<Float>, dot3Da:Array<Float>, dot3Db:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
returns plane 3D (a, b, c, d), determined by three not equal dots. Where (a, b, c) is plane 3D normal vector, and (d) is displacement plane from (0, 0, 0)
dot3D |
dot3Da |
dot3Db |
staticplane3D_2dots (dot3D:Array<Float>, dot3Da:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
returns plane 3D (a, b, c, d), determined by two not equal dots. Where (a, b, c) is plane 3D normal vector, and (d) is displacement plane from (0, 0, 0)
dot3D |
dot3Da |
staticdistance_dot3D_plane3D (dot3D:Array<Float>, plane3D:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
returns distance from dot 3D to plane 3D
dot3D |
plane3D |
staticrandom_vec3D_in_plane3D (plane3D:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
returns a random vector 3D paralleled to the plane 3D(lies on plane 3D)
plane3D |
staticrandom_dot3D_in_plane3D (plane3D:Array<Float>, dot3D:Array<Float>, radius:Float):Array<Float>
returns random dot 3D belongs on plane 3D
plane3D |
dot3D |
radius |
staticcurve3D_4dots (dot3D1:Array<Float>, vec3D1:Array<Float>, distance1:Float, dot3D2:Array<Float>, vec3D2:Array<Float>, distance2:Float):Array<Array<Float>>
returns curve 3D ((x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z)) with internal dots, calculated use offset from border dots along levers to distances. The resul curve 3D have 4 dots 3D, two border dots incoming, and two internal dots calculated. Result will [dot3D1, dot3D1offset, dot3D2offset, dot3D2]
dot3D1 |
vec3D1 |
distance1 |
dot3D2 |
vec3D2 |
distance2 |
staticcurve3D_3dots (dot3D0:Array<Float>, dot3D1:Array<Float>, dot3D2:Array<Float>, lever1:Float = 0.55, lever2:Float = 0.55, a_s:Int = -1):Array<Array<Float>>
returns curve 3D ((x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z)). Shape of result curve will be close to arc (1/4 ellipse). Allowed few variants of result curve modification(distortion). Default lever1 and lever2 values equal 0.55. The 0.55 value in case of bezier cubic 3D curve will create shape close to ellipse arc.
dot3D0 |
dot3D1 |
dot3D2 |
lever1 |
lever2 |
a_s |
staticline3D_2dots (dot3D0:Array<Float>, dot3D1:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns line 3D ((x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z)). Which is (dot3D0, 1/3 offset, 2/3 offset, dot3D1). Comfort for use as bezier cubic curve 3D as straight line
dot3D0 |
dot3D1 |
staticline3D_dot_offset (dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3D:Array<Float>, distance:Float):Array<Array<Float>>
returns line 3D ((x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z), (x, y, z)). Just call line3D_2dots with precalculated second dot 3D
dot3D |
vec3D |
distance |
staticinlinecurve3D_4to12 (curve:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
returns curve 3D as 12 coordinates, recounted from 4 dots 3D. [[x, y, z], [x, y, z], [x, y, z], [x, y, z]] return [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4]
curve |
staticinlinecurve3D_12to4 (curve:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns curve 3D as 4 dots 3D, recounted from 12 coordinates. [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4] return [[x, y, z], [x, y, z], [x, y, z], [x, y, z]]
curve |
staticinlinebeziercubic3D_derivativeparameters (curve:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Array<Float>>
beziercubic3D_derivative bonus function. returns parameters for derivative calculation. [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3], [x4, y4, z4]] return [[x1,x2,x3,x4],[y1,y2,y3,y4],[z1,z2,z3,z4]]
curve |
staticinlinebeziercubic_derivative (bcp:Array<Float>, p:Float):Null<Float>
return bezier cubic curve derivative for each dimension. Usual case x
or y
or z
bcp |
p |
staticbeziercubic3D_derivative (curve:Array<Array<Float>>, p:Float):Array<Float>
returns bezier cubic curve 3D derivative
curve |
p |
staticinlinebeziercubic_support_dot_one (beziercubic_one_axis_coordinates:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
returns cubic bezier curve support dot one(first lever) paramater for each coordinate. Usual case x
or y
or z
beziercubic_one_axis_coordinates |
staticbeziercubic3D_support_dot_one (curve3D_4dots:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
returns dot 3D, which is bezier cubic curve 3D support dot one(first lever)
curve3D_4dots |
staticinlinebeziercubic_support_dot_two (beziercubic_one_axis_coordinates:Array<Float>):Null<Float>
returns cubic bezier curve support dot two(second lever) paramater for each coordinate. Usual case x
or y
or z
beziercubic_one_axis_coordinates |
staticbeziercubic3D_support_dot_two (curve3D_4dots:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Float>
returns dot 3D, which is bezier cubic curve 3D support dot two(second lever)
curve3D_4dots |
staticinlinebeziercubic3D_follow_4dots_trajectory (dots:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns bezier cubic curve 3D, calculated from 4dots 3D(curve 3D trajectory)
dots |
staticinlinebeziercubic_coordinate (beziercubic_one_axis_coordinates:Array<Float>, parameter:Float):Null<Float>
returns bezier cubic coordinate for each one axis. Usual case x
or y
or z
beziercubic_one_axis_coordinates |
parameter |
staticbeziercubic3Ddot (beziercubic3D:Array<Array<Float>>, parameter:Float):Array<Float>
returns dot 3D, belongs on bezier cubic curve 3D
beziercubic3D |
parameter |
staticinlinecurve3D_4dots_follow_beziercubic_trajectory (beziercubic3D:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns curve 3D, which is 4 dots 3D bezier cubic curve, recounted to 4 dots 3D curve. Two internal dots belongs on bezier cubic curve trajectory, with parameter 1/3 and 2/3
beziercubic3D |
staticinlinecurve3Doffset (curve3D:Array<Array<Float>>, vec3D:Array<Float>, distance:Float):Array<Array<Float>>
returns curve 3D, offsetted along vector 3D to specified distance
curve3D |
vec3D |
distance |
staticinlinecurve3Drotate (curve3D:Array<Array<Float>>, dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3D:Array<Float>, angle:Float, rad:Bool = false):Array<Array<Float>>
returns curve 3D, rotated around axis(determined by dot 3D and vector 3D) to specified angle
curve3D |
dot3D |
vec3D |
angle |
rad |
staticinlinecurve3Dscale (curve3D:Array<Array<Float>>, scale_xyz:Array<Float>, dot3D:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns curve 3D, scaled relative base dot 3D, uses own scale for each axis
curve3D |
scale_xyz |
dot3D |
staticinlineellipse2Dperimeter_ramanujan (semiaxis_a:Float, semiaxis_b:Float):Null<Float>
returns ellipse perimeter, calculated use ramanujan method. Result will be max from perimeters, calculated by two ramanujan methods, with negative errors
semiaxis_a |
semiaxis_b |
statictangent_centered_ellipse2Ddot (semiaxis_a:Float, semiaxis_b:Float, ellipse_dot2D:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns vector 2D, which is tangent of centered ellipse 2D
semiaxis_a |
semiaxis_b |
ellipse_dot2D |
staticinlineellipse_e_parameter (semiaxis_a:Float, semiaxis_b:Float):Null<Float>
returns ellipse e parameter (ellipse eccentricity)
semiaxis_a |
semiaxis_b |
staticellipse_c_parameter (semiaxis_a:Float, semiaxis_b:Float):Null<Float>
returns ellipse c parameter (elipse foci) ... фокальное расстояние (полурасстояние между фокусами)
semiaxis_a |
semiaxis_b |
statictangent_vec3D_in_plane_of_ellipse2D_placed_in_3Dspace (dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3Dnormal_ellipse_plane:Array<Float>, vec3Dsemiaxis_a_direction:Array<Float>, semiaxis_a:Float, semiaxis_b:Float, semiaxis_a_negative:Float, semiaxis_b_negative:Float, angle:Float, rad:Bool):Array<Float>
returns vector 3D, which is tangent of ellipse, belongs to the plane 3D
dot3D |
vec3Dnormal_ellipse_plane |
vec3Dsemiaxis_a_direction |
semiaxis_a |
semiaxis_b |
semiaxis_a_negative |
semiaxis_b_negative |
angle |
rad |
staticellipse3D_dots (dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3Dsemiaxes:Array<Array<Float>>, semiaxes:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns 9 dots 3D, ellipse center dot and 8 ellipse perimeter dots
dot3D |
vec3Dsemiaxes |
semiaxes |
staticinlineellipse2Ddot (angle:Float, semiaxis_a_ox:Float, semiaxis_b_oy:Float, rad:Bool = false):Array<Float>
returns dot 2D, which belongs to ellipse perimeter
angle |
semiaxis_a_ox |
semiaxis_b_oy |
rad |
staticcurve2D_4dots_elliptic_shape_restricted_to_quarter (angle0:Float, angle1:Float, semiaxis_a_ox:Float, semiaxis_b_oy:Float, rad:Bool = false):Array<Array<Float>>
returns curve 2D, which have ellipse shape restricted to quarter
angle0 |
angle1 |
semiaxis_a_ox |
semiaxis_b_oy |
rad |
staticbeziercubic3D_elliptic_shape_restricted_to_quarter (dot3Dc:Array<Float>, vec3D_a_ox:Array<Float>, vec3D_b_oy:Array<Float>, semiaxis_a_ox:Float, semiaxis_b_oy:Float, angle0:Float, angle1:Float, rad:Bool = false):Array<Array<Float>>
returns bezier curve 3D, which have ellipse shape restricted to quarter. Result will have form [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3], [x4, y4, z4]]
dot3Dc |
vec3D_a_ox |
vec3D_b_ox |
semiaxis_a_ox |
semiaxis_b_oy |
angle0 |
angle1 |
rad |
staticangle_required_to_place_curve_on_ellipse (curve_length:Float, semiaxis_a_ox:Float, semiaxis_b_oy:Float, angle0:Float, rad:Bool = false):Null<Float>
returns angle required to place curve on ellipse. Max returned value is 360 degrees, or radians same value angle
curve_length |
semiaxis_a_ox |
semiaxis_b_oy |
angle0 |
rad |
staticpolygon3D_inside_ellipse (dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3Dsemiaxes:Array<Array<Float>>, semiaxes:Array<Float>, angle_proportions:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns polygon 3D dots array, which is poligon center dot and array of polygon perimeter dots. Result will have form [`dot3D`, dot3D(1), ... ,dot3D(`angle_proportion.length`)]
dot3D |
vec3Dsemiaxes |
semiaxes |
angle_proportions |
staticpolygon3D_vec3Dfield_distances (dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3Dfield:Array<Array<Float>>, distances:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Float>>
polygon on vectors and displacements. Can be not belongs to one plane 3D. returns polygon 3D dots array, which is poligon center dot and array of polygon perimeter dots. Result will have form [`dot3D`, dot3D(1), ... ,dot3D(`distances.length`)]
dot3D |
vec3Dfield |
distances |
staticpolygon3D_in_plane (dot3D:Array<Float>, vec3Dplane_normal:Array<Float>, vec3Dsemiaxis_a_direction:Array<Float>, angle_proportions:Array<Float>, distances:Array<Float>):Array<Array<Float>>
polygon belongs to plane 3D. returns polygon 3D dots array, which is poligon center dot and array of polygon perimeter dots. Result will have form [`dot3D`, dot3D(1), ... ,dot3D(`angle_proportion.length`)].
dot3D |
vec3Dplane_normal |
vec3Dsemiaxis_a_direction |
angle_proportions |
distances |
staticpolygon3D_to_vec3Dfield (polygon3D:Array<Array<Float>>):Array<Array<Float>>
returns vector field, which is vectors 3D, calculated from polygon center dot to each vertex. Result will have form [[a, b, c], ... , [a, b, c]], depend of incoming data length
polygon3D |
staticprojection_vec3D_on_plane3D (vec3D:Array<Float>, plane3D:Array<Float>):Array<Float>
returns vector 3D, which is vec3D
vector projection on plane3D
vec3D |
plane3D |
staticangle_vec3Dvec3D_projection_on_plane3D (vec3D1:Array<Float>, vec3D2:Array<Float>, plane3D:Array<Float>, rad:Bool = false):Null<Float>
returns angle, which is projection of angle between vec3D1
and vec3D2
vectors to plane3D
vec3D1 |
vec3D2 |
plane3D |
rad |