development <<< soft
  1. short names
  2. classic menu indicator
  3. monitor customisation
  4. edit with preview
  5. vscode + color theme + keybindings

  1. short names
  2. UG - ubuntu gnome
    SC - ubuntu software center
  3. classic menu indicator
  4. UG - SC - classicmenu-indicator
    show all programm list and categories
  5. monitor customisation (ubuntu 16.04.3 x64 2018 work done)
  6. - brightness controller
    apt-get - softside monitor controller
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/brightness-controller
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install brightness-controller

    - monitor settings
    UG - SC
    hardside monitor controller
    - set custom screen resolution weblink .
    -- download weblink python3 script for counting monitor resolutions from max(100%) to min(55%) with keep aspect ration. Or count manually resolution which you want
    -- ctrl+alt+t (open terminal)
    -- terminal xrandr Enter, and save the device name HDMI-0 or eDP-1 etc . In my case my device name is HDMI-0
    -- terminal cvt 1900 800 or any you want use (my monitor 2560x1080 and i want close 1900x800), Enter
    -- copy Modeline value, in my case this "1904x800_60.00" 124.25 1904 2008 2200 2496 800 803 813 831 -hsync +vsync , and recommended cut the _60.00 part, at least because it crush any regex patterns of development tools based on java. Like libgdx desktop application etc
    -- terminal sudo xrandr --newmode "1904x800" 124.25 1904 2008 2200 2496 800 803 813 831 -hsync +vsync Enter (sudo xrandr --newmode your_modeline_value)
    -- terminal sudo xrandr --addmode HDMI-0 "1904x800" Enter (sudo xrandr --addmode your_device_name your_new_mode_name).
    Now you can set new resolution in display settings. If you want that ubuntu gnome save this resolution after next start
    -- terminal gedit ~/.profile Enter (this open text editor)
    -- add to the end of file strings
    xrandr --newmode "1904x800" 124.25 1904 2008 2200 2496 800 803 813 831 -hsync +vsync
    xrandr --addmode HDMI-0 "1904x800"
    , and save file ctrl+s.
  7. edit with preview
  8. - builder - UG - SC
    click markdown text -> split screen -> preview as HTML
    - code (visual studio code) - UG - weblink
  9. vscode + color theme + keybindings (2018)
  10. weblink After manual install update from *.deb package user settings stay without changes.
    Before configure keybindings, on ubuntu gnome, must be changed desktop/workspace switcher keybindings(keyboard settings - behavior), because conflict. The switch to leftworkspace,right...,up...,down... can be changed to ctrl+4 ctrl+6 ctrl+8 ctrl+2. Minimize window can be changed to ctrl+5 .
    High contrast dark color theme weblink . On ubuntu gnome 16.04.3 x64 theme folders, for example dark, should be placed in /home/user/.vscode/extensions . Default .vscode folder is hidden. To show it, configure nautilus view -> show hidden files . After this the themes appear inside vscode menu file -> preferences -> color theme .
    additional settings should be added to settings.json file. Open file -> preferences -> user settings .
    keyboard keybindings should be added to keybindings.json file. Open user keybindings.json file -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts -> keybindings.json . Blocks of json code for keybindings, can be copied from file -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts use rmouse -> copy over keybinding name, and then paste to user keybindings.json file.