development <<< kotlin syntax
  1. 2019 Kotlin summary
  2. 2019 Kotlin android development tools: frameworks, libs, etc
  3. 2019 Underscores for unused parameters
  4. 2019 Bound callable references
  5. 2019 Shorter syntax for properties
  6. 2019 onEach() ... extension function for collections and sequences
  7. 2019 apply() ... extension function
  8. 2019 also() , takeIf() and takeUnless() ... extension functions
  9. 2019 Destructuring in lambdas
  10. 2019 minOf() and maxOf()
  11. 2019 Array() like List() and MutableList()
  12. 2019 Arrays
  13. 2019 List() kotlin.collections
  14. 2019 Map interface kotlin.collections
  15. 2019 Set of unique elements kotlin.collections
  16. 2019 Ranges : a..b , a until b , .rangeTo() , .downTo() , .reversed() , step()
  17. 2019 Calling Java code from Kotlin
  18. 2019 Strings
  19. 2019 String Literals
  20. 2019 String Templates
  21. 2019 String to number conversions
  22. 2019 Char
  23. 2019 Boolean
  24. 2019 Numbers
  25. 2019 Literal Constants
  26. 2019 Underscores in numeric literals
  27. 2019 Numbers comparison
  28. 2019 Numbers operations
  29. 2019 Variables: val vs var
  30. 2019 Control Flow: if , when , for , while
  31. 2019 Elvis operator ?:
  32. 2019 function and polymorphism
  33. 2019 Lambda function
  34. 2019 Inline function
  35. 2019 Higher order function / Higher level function
  36. 2019 Return multivalues from function
  37. 2019 classes using
  38. 2019 Class instance . Class inheritance uses open keyword
  39. 2019 override class methods and properties
  40. 2019 Nested class and inner class
  41. 2019 Visibility modifiers: package , public , internal , protected , private
  42. 2019 Extension function
  43. 2019 Scope of Extensions
  44. 2019 data class for function return multitype
  45. 2019 enum class
  46. 2019 object
  47. 2019 getter | get() | additional functionality of get value process
  48. 2019 setter | set() | additional functionality of set value process
  49. 2020 sorting Map() by values | compareBy() sortedBy() compareByDescending() sortedByDescending()